In 2012, on the initiative of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, supported by the parliaments of the countries – members of EurAsEC and CIS, the International forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective” was established and has been held annually in Saint Petersburg.
The goal of this international congress event is the development of parliament and other cooperation in the framework of Eurasian economic integration.
The State Duma entrusted Saint Petersburg State University of Economics with responsibilities of organization and scientific support of the International forum “Eurasian Economic Perspective”.
To date, twelve forums were successfully held. In addition, in the framework of the forum, five events were organized in Astana, Bishkek, Erevan, Kazan and Minsk.
The programme of each forum includes a plenary session and round tables. The Plenary session unites representatives of the parliaments of the countries – members of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Сommonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Commission, the Executive Committee of CIS and rectors of the leading universities of the Eurasian Association of Universities.