Mass Media

If using official information and Forum participants' quotations prepared materials or interview made while the Forum must be remarked "Eurasian Economic Perspectives" (text, logotype, emblem) or must have reference to the Forum web-site if it is taken from the site Any corrections are forbidden.

Printed Mass Media / Radio: any program or or interview made while the Forum must be remarked "Eurasian Economic Perspectives" (text, logotype, emblem).

Television: any TV-program made while the Forum must be remarked "Eurasian Economic Perspectives" (text, logotype, emblem).

Internet Publications: any article or interview made while the Forum must be remarked "Eurasian Economic Perspectives" (text, logotype, emblem).

Photos: any photo must be remarked "Eurasian Economic Perspectives" (text, logotype, emblem).

Blogs and social nets: if using official information, received in the Forum, participants' quotations (within personal participants' permission), prepared materials uploaded in the Internet are obliged to contain verified information. 

The Forum organizers and moderators do not take responsibility for thoughts and ideas of social nets participants.


Contacts / Information

The Head of the Mass Media Cooperation Department

Tel.: +7 (812) 458-97-30, ext. 2818, 3812
